The 13th annual Hot Art Cool Nights festival marked our 4th event as part of the Mid City Merchants Association and was a great success! The event, which is held in early May, is one of the two annual Mid City Merchants festivals during which numerous businesses in the area come together for a night of art and music. In preparation for each of these parties, our hard-working employees clear the shop of its usual chaos and transform the space to welcome our visiting artists and the many guests who pass through.
Take a look below to find out more about what you may have missed!

Featured Artists

Anna Peterson @annamarinapete
Nellie Reesby @nellienelliebobellie
Juan Karlo Randolph @perception_inception
Annalynne Talbert @annalynnetalbert
Eric Milano [email protected]
Event Information
Click here to find out more about what’s going on in Mid City!
If you are an artist and would like to participate in future events at Giraphic Prints, send us an email at [email protected].
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