Many businesses across the state are starting to reopen and get back to work. However, the CDC recommends all businesses take certain precautions to protect their staff and their customers—primarily by wearing face masks. Businesses across Louisiana have started to put a fun twist on these requirements. Creating company logo face masks are perfect for employees or as promotional items for customers!
Benefits of Company Logo Face Masks
With this public health crisis, one of the most important things business owners can do is to provide their employees with custom face masks to keep them safe (and to provide a bit of company unity). Face masks are especially important for businesses requiring direct customer interaction, such as restaurants and hair salons. While it might be a requirement to have your staff wearing face masks, there are some added benefits to using custom logo face masks that can actually help promote your business.
Face Masks Are Literally Walking Billboards
Depending on the type of business you run, offering custom logo face masks is a great opportunity to promote your brand. Having them available for your customers gives you the chance to create walking billboards at a much lower cost than printing a giant sign on the side of the road. Your customers have to wear masks in public, so why not wear yours?
Let Your Customers Know You Value Their Safety
Company logo face masks make it very easy to let your customers know that their safety is your top priority. By taking the extra step to create custom face masks with your company logo for each of your employees, you can show your customers that you’re taking every step you can to ensure their safety when they’re in your facility.
Custom Face Masks Make Great Giveaways
Everyone enjoys a free gift, they’re great for showing customer appreciation and make customers feel valued. By giving away custom face masks, you not only show your customers how much you appreciate them but you’re showing them that you also value their health and safety.
Face Masks Help Protect Staff and Customers
Most importantly, ensuring that your employees are wearing proper face masks helps keep both your customers and your employees safe. Masks are meant to protect other people from being infected and are a great addition to social distancing efforts that your business is taking to help control the spread of COVID19. With the right type of face mask, you can help protect your customers and employees, allowing your business to remain open and operating as long as possible.
Looking for Custom Face Masks? Call Us!
Our Anti-Microbial face masks are made with BioSmart technology, making them ideal for workers interacting with the public. Plus, they’re completely customizable! Call us at 225.923.2434 , email to get a quote and start your order. We’re excited to start making your custom face coverings and help our community stay healthy!
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